The 83 year old man who climbed out of the window – well fire escape

As we have mentioned we have finally moved Dad to a home. He loves it there, loves the food and the comfort and how well everyone cares for him. He is a little slow to mix, sits in his room reading or watching TV but it has only been just over a week so I guess it takes time. One of the reasons we moved him was he was so isolated in his little flat, never seeing anyone except for the few activities going on and his Monday lunch club. We have been plotting with the staff to entice him out of his room and into the activities. Trouble is it has to happen in the moment or he will have forgotten he is meant to be doing it in minutes.

hard walking 2There is one concern he has and that is they will ask him to leave. Quite why he is so concerned I am not sure and have put it down to confusion. So this little incident was kind of funny and worrying.

At last the weather has picked up and yesterday was lovely and sunny. I spoke to Dad about 4:30, he had been watching horse racing but said he planned to go into the garden and get the last of the day’s sun. Little did I know he had tried that already!

We got a call this morning to say Dad had made an escape attempt. Like the hundred year old man who climbed out of the window (if you have not read the book try it. It is very funny.) but in this case he was not unhappy. Seems that in the morning he had attempted to go into the garden but rather than going out the front door he broke the glass on the fire escape near his room and opened the fire exit, starting to descend down the steps. When the alarm when off and the staff raced there he was half way down the stairs. Quite why he took that route we don’t know and he doesn’t seem to remember. He is usually quite with in in the moment so would have realised it was not a conventional exit. He also would have known the stairs would cause his trouble. His legs just don’t work that well any more.

The staff were beside themselves, they did not want an escapee on their hands but he only wanted some sun.

It’s nice again today so have been wondering when the call will come that he’s headed to the garden via the kitchen exit, the coal cellar or any other way but the front door!